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Letters to the Editor


I am responding to Earick Ward’s letter (May 4). I am curious as to how people protect themselves from all the “liberal pablum” awash on television networks?

I would hope people who believe this would share the secret so as to help inoculate the rest of us from these dangerous ideas.

Or, does the use of the term stand for anything one does not believe or agree with?

The rest of the letter seems a patchwork of misinformation, misleading statistics, false choices, and a general harangue against, well, everything.

The writings remind me of those of the biblical prophets of doom. It must be very comforting to blame all challenges on one person or one political party. I see much blame to be spread everywhere. Lastly, how can people work together if the beliefs and ideas of one group are vilified?

Jeff Colflesh Mutual 6 Editor:

How I look forward to the LW Weekly newspaper, and I especially enjoy the letters to the editor column and the monthly Security incident report. As I read the Security report, I am always surprised and sometimes amused at the reports of real or imagined calamities befalling our residents.

Of course, fire, theft or vandalism of our property is nothing to laugh at, but I do have to chuckle when I read about coyote incidents and the ways some residents have to control them. The critters can’t be controlled, of course, only discouraged, but think of it this way, the coyotes control the rabbit population in our wonderful community. Without the coyotes, the rabbits would take over, and how lovely that nature always has a balancing act.

After reading the Security report, I am always grateful and amazed at how lucky we are to have our Security team who work 24/7 to manage our safety and well being in our little community so well. It is wonderful to know that in an emergency, such as an ambulance ride to the hospital, a kindly Security representative will stay behind to turn off your lights and lock your door. I often complain about Leisure World, but when I think of the chaotic and dangerous world outside of our gates, I count my blessings every day that I live in such a wonderful place.

Joan Rose Mutual 12 Editor:

To all residents, and, yes, it’s the residents with RFID tags that are doing this—when driving south on Seal Beach Boulevard, there is only one right-turn lane entering the Leisure World front gate. Too many times, I have seen an entitled, inpatient resident using the second lane to turn right. This is highly illegal and dangerous.

Please be respectful and wait your turn in line behind all the other drivers who are observing the law. You are creating a situation that could cause a potential accident. SBPD has more important things to deal with than to slap your hand for not being good.

Sally Steenbergen Mutual 1 Editor:

Perhaps it is time for a moratorium on printing Letters to the Editor if we cannot control or refuse to print “repetitive and otherwise inappropriate” letters that we are subject to, from the same people on a weekly basis.

Mitchel Swersky Mutual 1 Editor:

BRAVO to Jon Michaels on his Ode to Leisure World. It was so funny, refreshingly funny. It brightened my day.

I hope to hear more from him. Thank you for giving him space in the paper. We could all use a good laugh!

Ann Griffor Mutual 1 Editor:

Thank you for the article in regards to the janitorial staff (May 9). The staff does a great job. I have found them to be courteous and always willing to help. The facilities are all wellmaintained.

Kudos to the janitorial staff. Many I have gotten to know by name. They care about their work.

Linda Herman Mutual 1 Editor:

Remember when your mom used to say “Look both ways before crossing the street?” My observation is that well over 80% of our residents do not do that and assume vehicle drivers see them. Please look both ways and then one more time. Keep looking as you cross. Also use a orange flag, but wave it, otherwise that flag is just as inconspicuous as you!

Veta Oney Mutual 6 Editor:

I applaud the letters from Lee Hoyt (5/2) and Mike Maher (5/9) pushing back on Earwick Ward’s April 4 disinformation rant. Although refuting these views with documented fact may not serve to enlighten him, it is the best strategy we have to set the record straight. Mr. Ward has a right to state what he said, though I wish he would tone it down.

Our LW paper should help set a higher standard by stating in its policy that unsubstantiated inflammatory speech does not encourage fruitful discussion, and writers should keep that in mind when writing and to limit or eliminate their vitriol wherever possible.

For example, it is one thing to say that 100,000 people have lost their lives to fentanyl this year and another thing to imply the Democrats are responsible for it, as Mr. Ward did.

Several studies on freedom of speech issues indicate that clamping down on speech (by censoring it) has the opposite effect desired in most cases. (Nadine Strossen in “Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know,” 2024).

Accurate information is the best counterspeech to disinformation. It has also been shown that enhancing information and critical media skills is a better antidote to sloppy vitriolic speech. An opinion well stated and accurate is worth its weight in gold.

Ann Gallagher Mutual 4 Editor:

The Impaired Vision and Hearing Club would like to thank the Golden Age Foundation for its recent financial donation to our club. This support has allowed us to purchase equipment and materials that will better allow us to support our members as they learn to overcome the challenges of vision and hearing loss.

Thank you again GAF for your generous support and kindness. Don Craig, Impaired Vision/Hearing Club Mutual 6 Editor:

I just don’t understand the article “New Proposal Could Save GRF a Quarter Million Dollars Annually” (April 25).

Yes, on the surface, I get it. After reading the position descriptions of the 10 new full-time gate operations officers to be hired, is this just to save the new security system that isn’t working for us? By the time you pay an average of $20/hr plus benefits, isn’t the savings a wash? Lisa Benedict Mutual 2 Editor’s Note: The savings will be realized by replacing guards now contracted through Off Duty Officers (ODO), the company GRF uses to provide temporary security guards. Even with a starting pay of $20, it will be much less expensive to employ Security officers through GRF vs. contracted through a third-party agency.

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