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GRF Board of Directors Meeting

Special Agenda Monday, Oct. 19, 1 p.m.

Clubhouse Four and Via Live Stream To view the live GRF Board meeting:

• Go to

• Click on the Live GRF Board meeting tab.

• The live streaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting

1) Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

2) Roll Call

3) President’s Comments a) Announcements

4) Shareholder/Member Comments a) Written, submitted prior to meeting b) Verbal, via live streaming Note: Foundation Shareholder/Members are permitted to make comments before the meeting business of the Board begins. The Open Meeting Act allows boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for the open forum and for speakers to address the board. (Civ. Code

§4925(b).) Time limits, per speaker, are limited to:

• 4-minute limit per speaker, 15 or fewer speakers

• 3-minute limit per speaker, 16-25 speakers

• 2-minute limit per speaker, over 26 speakers

5) New Business a) Reopening of Trust Property Amenities Under Emergency Operational Procedures-Religious Services b) Establishment of a SB 3192 Ad Hoc Committee

6) Board Member Comments

7) Adjournment

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