LW golf course to be called Turtle Lake
After a long hiatus, the Recreation Committee met Oct. 5 and approved a winner in the Golf Course Naming Contest. Fortysix GRF members submitted 95 entries for consideration. As there were many duplicates, consideration was given based on the dates entries were received by the Recreation Department. The winning entry came from Laura Garcia of Mutual 8 and, pending approval by the GRF Board of Directors, the nine-hole course will be known as Turtle Lake, in honor of the reptile critters that have taken up residence in the pond over the years. Garcia will receive a $250 gift card from GRF once the name is ratified by the board. Commenting at the Recreation Committee meeting, Laura, who is an avid golfer, said, “It had been so long since the contest, I forgot what name I had submitted!” Regardless, it was a great choice, and the Recreation Committee congratulates her and thanks everyone who participated.