LW Poetry
This feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members. Send poems to emmad@lwsb.com. Submissions run as space allows.
Rifles will sing our songs Bullets their melodies We will fear no evil God holds our hands While rifles sing our songs bullets will tear at the hearts of our enemies and death will be their reward.
Once again the water will separate and our enemies disappear no longer able to bring their evil to our people Rifles will sing our songs and bullets their melody. for bullets.
—Mitch Cohen Mutual 15
It’s a strange place for me — In my sixty-fifth spring, I find I’m up a tree, And I don’t know a thing.
I’ve always got it wrong. Little birdy in my tree, Teach me with your song.
So grateful I would be.
“Tweet”, the birdy smiled.
“I’ll teach you my child.”
—David Crandall Mutual 10