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Democratic Club

Democratic Club Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW contributor

By now, all Leisure World registered voters should have received a copy of Orange County’s Sample Ballot and Voter Information Guide. Many of us have also received our actual vote-by-mail ballots.

Orange is the only county in California to print its own ballots. With 1.7 million registered voters in the county, it can be an overwhelming job to be sure all addresses are up to date, etc. Minor mistakes are apt to happen. Be sure to sign your ballot the same way it is listed on your ballot envelope or it might not be counted.

Anyone having questions about their registration status or who has not received a voteby- mail ballot by Oct. 14 should contact the Registrar of Voters at (714) 567-7600 or online at Remember that the deadline for registering by mail or online is Oct. 19.

Once you have voted, you can track your ballot by entering your date of birth and the last four digits of your driver’s license number or CA ID online at Email the Democratic Club through its website at https://sblwdems.

with any questions regarding the election.

•••• Democratic Club members will gather for the third time via Zoom on Wednesday, Oct. 21. The agenda for the meeting will include a review of legislation adopted by the 2020 session of the California legislature. Of special interest to Leisure Worlders will be AB 3182 which the governor signed on Sept. 28. This legislation will void any Leisure World rules that ban the rental of our units. It will also prohibit the implementation of any new such rules. GRF would, however, be able to cap the number of rentals at 25 percent of the total housing units.

The legislation will also allow GRF to prohibit transient or short-term rentals of 30 days or less. It is not clear at this point whether or not rentals will be limited to 25 percent of each mutual or Leisure World as a whole.

•••• Window signs supporting the following candidates are available by calling (562) 596-0450 or (562) 296-8521:

• Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, candidates for president and vice-president

• 48th District Congressman Harley Rouda, candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives

• Garden Grove Councilwoman Diedre Nguyen, candidate for CA Assembly District 72;

• Paurvi Trivedi, candidate for Los Alamitos Unified School District Board Area 2.

Biden/Harris yard signs for your garden are also available.

•••• The SBLW Democratic Club welcomes new members and friends. Membership forms are available at: https:// sblwdems.

•••• If you are a registered Democrat or a supporter and want to know more about the club’s efforts between now and Nov. 3, you can subscribe to our electronic newsletter at no cost by emailing Mary Larson at mlarson. or by calling (562) 296-8521 with your contact information.

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