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Republican Club

Republican Club Republican Club

By Brian Harmon

LW contributor

SB City Councilman Thomas Moore will be at the Republican Club booth to talk to voters during the half-off sale of all remaining merchandise on Monday, Oct. 19, in the parking lot by Clubhouse 6, where the food trucks are.

The booth will continue to be manned every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. until Oct. 20. It will then be open every day until election day. Free face masks are still available, courtesy of Michelle Steel, candidate for Congress.

Republicans from all over Seal Beach will continue to meet at the base of the pier every Saturday at noon to show support for police officers and opposition to defunding law enforcement. All are invited to join.

Michelle Steel met with LW Republicans and spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at the club booth on Sept. 28. Steel is the chairwoman of the OC Board of Supervisors and a candidate for Congress in the district representing Leisure World.

“I’m a public servant, mother, and proven tax-fighter who has spent my career creating jobs,” she said, “holding a failed government system accountable, and ensuring it always works for the people it serves.”

She discussed how she came to America as a young adult with her mother and two younger sisters from South Korea.

“Like so many,” she said, “my family came to America searching for opportunities with the hope for a better future.”

She said that after watching her single working mother struggle to fight an unwarranted tax bill from the California State Board of Equalization, she realized that government was failing the people that needed it most.

“I knew I needed to serve my community,” she said, “so I decided to run for public office. I successfully ran for the California State Board of Equalization, the very agency that showed me how broken our political system is, and I worked to make much needed, common-sense reforms. In Congress, I will fight to protect Medicare and Social Security, lower taxes and allow Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money, especially during these uncertain times.

“I have been blessed to live my American Dream and that is why I am running for Congress. Together, we can ensure future generations have hope for a better future and opportunities to prosper.”

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