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Rule 48-1937-1, §5.4.):

1.1.1. Day One: $50 non-refundable……………………. $50 (includes registration fee)

1.1.2. Subsequent days…………………………$30 per day

1.1.3. Weekly rate: $200 per week……………. $200 per week

1.2. MEMBER RV TEMPORARY PARKING FEE AT CLUBHOUSE 4 (See Rule 48-1937-1, §5.4.1.):

1.2.1. Day One (includes registration fee) ………………. $25




1.3.1. 10-foot to 20-foot space………………………. $276.35

1.3.2. 20-foot+ to 30-foot space: ……………………. $414

1.3.3. 30-foot+ to 40-foot space………………………$552


2.1. IDENTIFICATION CARD (See 14-1201-1 and 14-3182-1)

2.1.1. Initial Issue (See 14-3182.1) Member/Owner……………………….No charge Renter/Lessee…….……$500 Refundable Deposit

2.1.2. Lost Identification Card (See 14-1201-1)

2.2.1. First occurrence………………………..................$25

2.2.2. Subsequent occurrences………...………..............$50

2.2.3. Not surrendered on vacating………....................$500

2.2. VEHICLE DECALS (See 14-1382-1)

2.2.1. Initial Issue Member’s First Vehicle…….…………No charge Renter/Lessee…………………$100 refundable Golf cart (with disability waiver)………No charge

2.2.2. Subsequent Vehicles Member’s Second Vehicle………………......$25 Member’s Third Vehicle…………………….$75 Member’s Subsequent Vehicles……….…...$250 Renter/Lessee………$100 refundable per vehicle

2.2.3. Not surrendered on vacating Member………………….……. $100 per vehicle Renter/Lessee……………… Forfeit decal deposit

2.3. ANNUAL GATE ENTRY PASSES (See 48-5180-1, 48-5180-3)

2.3.1. Initial Issue Member………………………………. No charge Renter/Lessee…………………No passes issued

2.3.2. Not surrendered on vacating (see 14-3182-1) Member………………………….…$100 per pass

2.4. RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) TRANSMITTER (see 48-5580-2) *As allowed per occupancy agreement.

2.4.1. Member Initial issue for a vehicle or golf cart.….No charge Golf cart (with disability waiver)………No charge Second motor vehicle transmitter…………. $25 Third motor vehicle transmitter.………….…. $75 Fourth motor vehicle transmitter………...…. $200 Fifth & subsequent transmitters……………. $500

2.4.2. Vendors and Employees Vendor……………………...No charge for 1 or 2 Commercial Lessee……………...No charge for 1 Contracted worker……………....No charge for 1 Real estate worker……………….No charge for 1 More than 10 RFIDs…………………....$15 each

2.4.4. Replacement RFID on individual vehicle 1st Occurrence………………………………. $25 2nd Occurrence………………………………$50 Subsequent replacements.……………………$75

2.5. CAREGIVER IDENTIFICATION (see 48-5180-1 and 14--


2.5.1. Initial Issue Member………………………………No charge Renter/Lessee…………$100 refundable per pass

2.5.2. Lost Identification……………....$20 per occurrence

2.5.3. Not surrendered on vacating Member…………………$100 per caregiver pass Renter/Lessee…………Forfeit caregiver deposit

2.6. REAL ESTATE PERSONNEL (see 48-5180-1)

2.6.1. Initial Issue…………………………………No charge

2.6.2. Lost Identification Initial occurrence……………………………. $50 Subsequent occurrences………………………$75

3. PET REGISTRATION (See 15-1023-1 and 14-3182-1)

3.1. Members…………………………………………No charge

3.2. Renter/Lessees………………………$100 non-refundable


4.2. Annual Plot Rental Fee…………………………………$150

4.3. One-Time Application Fee……………………………..$15 Document History Key words: Members Fee MEMBER SERVICES

37-1447-1 Use of Community Facilities, Community Gardens—Rules

1. PURPOSE The purpose of these regulations is to ensure a pleasant environment for all Leisure World Authorized Residents (ARs) and producegrowing gardeners.


2.1. The Recreation Department (RD) is responsible for the fair and equitable use of the Community Gardens (CG) area, also known as the 1.8 Acres, and will also be responsible for ensuring that all of the conditions of these rules are followed.

2.2. The CG area is for Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Authorized Residents (AR) in good standing only. Only one garden shall be assigned per household, but two (2) ARs from different households can share a garden as long as both names are on the garden lease.

2.2.1. Each garden shall have an associated lease document and an associated lease fee and deposit which are described in a related document.

2.2.2. A waiting list shall be maintained by the RD, which will determine the order in which garden leases will be offered to a Renter/Lessee (R/L).

2.3. Mutual-Unit/Renter/Lessees must follow all rules and are subject to any consequences for failure to do so. The Mutual Unit/ Member/Owner is ultimately responsible for the behavior and actions of their Renter/Lessee (R/L) and will be held responsible for any fees, fines, or disciplinary consequences incurred by the Renter/Lessees. See Policy 13-5093-1, Authorized Resident Rules of Conduct.and 10-1937-3,Community Rules Violation Procedures.

2.3.1. The violation notice may be contested to the COMMUNITY RULES VIOLATION (CRV) PANEL. Procedures for the M/O to appeal a Community Rules Violation notice are detailed in 10-1937-3.

2.3.2. Additional penalties may be assessed to any M/O who fails to respond to a rules violation notice in a timely manner. The procedures for assessing those penalties are outlined in


2.4. If a Member/Owner (M/O) subsequently rents their Mutual unit, the M/O forfeits the right to retain their garden and must notify the RD and relinquish it immediately.

2.5. If a R/L has a garden leased, the lease shall be terminated immediately upon termination of their tenancy in the M/O’s Mutual unit unless the AR moves to another rental unit in the community immediately.

2.6. The CGs are a non-smoking, tobacco-free, vape-free, drugfree, firearms/weapons-free, and alcohol-free environment.

2.7. No animals are allowed in the CG area: Qualified Service dogs will be allowed in the garden area. They must always remain on an eight (8)-foot leash and be under the control of the AR. The owner must pick up after them immediately. They are not allowed in any other person’s garden.

2.8. Radios or music devices are allowed with headphones.

2.9. Spaces may be leased on an annual basis for a maximum of four (4) consecutive years. Upon the completion of the fourth year, the Lessees must relinquish their garden. The Lessee can then be added to the waiting list for another garden if they so desire. If there is no waitlist, the AR may renew the lease with the approval of RD for one (1) additional year.

2.10. Gardens shall not be abandoned, traded, or given up to another AR by the Lessee. If you choose to relinquish your space, you must notify the Recreation Department, and your space will be reassigned to the next AR on the waiting list. No refunds shall be issued for any monies paid to GRF.

2.11. Lessee is responsible for the planning, planting, and management of their own garden, including providing seeds, plants, soil amendments, perimeter ‘bunny’ fencing, and any tools. In case of a temporary absence, Lessee shall notify the RD in writing and a “garden angel” can be assigned to care for your garden with the approval of the RD. Only ARs may be appointed as a “garden angel.”

2.12. Lessee may bring guests, including children, into the CG area, provided that the guests comply with the GRF Code of Conduct. Children must always be accompanied by an adult.

2.13. Neither Lessees nor their guests may enter other gardens or harvest produce without explicit written permission from that garden’s Lessee. A copy of written permission must be kept on record in the RD office.

2.14. Lessees will keep clean and neat and weed free any common areas such as adjacent pathways. Lessee will promptly report any concerns about safety of the garden to the RD. The adjacent pathway along the wall bordering Nassau Drive and all walkways must always be kept clear of gardening tools and plant materials from the gardens.

2.15. Storage containers made of metal or wood are not permitted. Storage containers must be the type approved by the RD and the storage container and tools must be kept within the boundaries of the designated garden.

2.16. Fences may not exceed three (3) feet in height to avoid shading a neighbor’s garden. Fences must be free standing, PVC pipe, or wood treated with or without non-toxic preservative, green metal stakes, and can include types of chicken wire. All fencing must be approved by the RD with a written scope of work to be included with the submitted application.

2.17. Structures to encourage vertical growing, including arbors, trellises, tree branch frames, and cages are only allowed during growing season if they are functional, orderly, safe, and do not conflict with CG standards.

2.18. GRF does not permit the construction or existence of permanent shelter structures within the individual’s garden, CHANGES


including personal sheds, storage, or shade units.

2.19. One faucet is set up for up to four gardens for watering. The gardens that are assigned to that area have exclusive use of the water fixture.

2.20. Automatic sprinklers and soaker hoses are forbidden. Lessees must turn off water faucet or valve before leaving the garden and shall not leave watering unattended at any time. Water run-off is not permitted on roadways, walkways, sidewalks, or adjacent gardens.

2.21. Crushed rock or gravel is not permitted inside the gardens.

2.22. No wood treated with toxic wood preservative shall be used in any gardens.

2.23. No piles of wood, brick, pipes, hoses, or fencing shall be stored in gardens.

2.24. All items, such as hoses, tools, and containers shall be safely stored to avoid trips and falls.

2.25. The use of “scrap” materials, such as broken bricks or pavers, scraps of wood, metal, or plastic is not permitted.

2.26. Items not authorized must be disabled and removed from the garden by required compliance date.

2.27. All trees, miniature trees, shrubs, or bush type fruit trees must be potted with a solid base underneath, and not exceed four (4) feet tall. Trees or shrubs cannot extend over walkways or exceed four (4) feet in height during any month of the year. Any existing tree, shrubs, or bush type fruit trees shall be removed when a lot is vacated, unless there is a lessee-to-lessee agreement approved by the RD.

2.28. No more than twenty-five percent 25% of garden may be planted with flowers. The remaining balance shall be used to plant produce.

2.29. The RD may order the forfeiture of a garden when any Lessee does not maintain their garden as described in these rules. Failure to plant at least seventy-five percent (75%) of a garden area for three (3) months shall be sufficient cause to forfeit the garden.

2.30. If a garden appears untended (overgrown weeds, unharvested), the Lessee will be issued a violation notice. If the violation is not remedied by the required compliance date of the third notice for the same violation, the RD may evict Lessee.

2.31. Lessees and their guests shall park in designated parking spaces only.

2.32. Dumpsters are available for the disposal of green waste and regular trash. See policy 26-5000-1, Dumpster Rules.

2.33. Gardens must be cleared of all vegetation and weeds before being vacated. Failure to clean garden for final inspection will result in loss of lease deposit and CG future privileges.

2.34. If the Lessee fails to comply with any terms of the lease within the allotted compliance time of the third notice for the same violation, the garden will be immediately forfeited with no refund of fees.

2.35. Lessees will not be entitled to any payment or reimbursement from the GRF for any materials planted, growing, or otherwise located within the CG or for any improvements made on the premises. All or any part of such material and improvements shall become the property of the GRF.

2.36. The RD will designate each garden by posting a garden number on the corner of each garden, which will correspond to a like number on a drawing of the garden area.


7 a.m. to dusk seven (7) days a week.


4.1. To prevent the breeding of flies, harboring of rats, or air contamination, all decaying compost or newly delivered fertilizer shall be properly cared for by effectively sealing in plastic bags or by turning it under in the garden within forty-eight (48) hours.

4.2. Gardens must always be maintained and kept free of debris.

4.3. Keep all gardens, including the adjacent walkway areas , free from all grass and weeds throughout the year.

4.4. Use care and caution while watering in order to keep from flooding neighboring gardens and pathways.

4.5. Use care when spraying or dusting for bugs, snails, and other garden pests. Lessees must make every effort to ensure there is no drifting of pesticides to adjoining gardens. GRF does not permit the use of Roundup on Trust property. See Addendum A for approved pest control list.

4.6. Store only the garden material necessary for supporting, staking or containing the plantings, neatly within the perimeter of one’s assigned garden area. No plants or vines shall be allowed to grow past a fence or property line, over walkways or sidewalks. No exterior fence will be used as a trellis on which to grow plants or vines.

4.7. GRF is not liable for loss or damage to personal property, vandalism to the garden parcel, and/or destruction of crops due to disease, pests, rodents, gophers, inclement weather, or flooding from water run-off by hose/faucet whether coming from water lines inside or outside of gardens.

4.8. All items stored within the garden area must be essential to gardening. Pesticides of any kind may not be stored at the CG. Items such as wooden stakes, tomato cages, etc. must be kept in a neat and orderly manner. Materials may not be stored against the garden fencing.

4.9. GRF is responsible for the maintenance and pest control of the common areas. Lessee is responsible for maintenance and pest control within their garden.

4.10. Lessee is responsible for the cost, installation, and maintenance of fencing. RD staff must approve any fence or other structure prior to installation and follow GRF guidelines. Staff will provide written approval/permit for installation. This permit must be displayed at the garden for thirty (30) days.


5.1. The RD may order the forfeiture of any garden when the Lessee fails to comply with this set of rules, or any action in violation of the established Code of Conduct policy, 13-5093-1, or Community Rules Violation Procedure, 10-1937-3.

5.2. The RD (with Board approval) reserves the right to review and adjust the operating rules to accommodate the needs of the community at any time.

5.3. The RD also reserves the right to enter any garden at any time.

5.4. The AR is entitled to request a hearing if they disagree with any disciplinary decision.

5.5. Mutual-Unit/Renter/Lessees must follow all rules and are subject to any consequences for failure to do so. The Mutual Unit/ Member/Owner is ultimately responsible for the behavior and actions of their Renter/Lessee (R/L) and will be held responsible for any fees, fines, or disciplinary consequences incurred by the Renter/Lessees. See Policy10-1937-3, Authorized Resident Rules of Conduct, and Community Rules Violation Procedure.

5.5.1. The violation notice may be contested to the COMMUNITY RULES VIOLATION (CRV) PANEL. Procedures for the M/O to appeal a Community Rules Violation notice are detailed in 10-1937-3

5.5.2. Additional penalties may be assessed to any M/O who fails to respond to a rules violation notice in a timely manner. The procedures for assessing those penalties are outlined in

10-1937-3. Document History Keywords: Mini Farm, Garden Plot, 1.8 Acres OPERATIONS

48-1937-1 Parking—Rules

1. PREFACE In order to promote safety, all drivers and pedestrians shall follow the same parking rules as required on public streets unless otherwise specified herein.

2. GENERAL RULES The following Parking Rules are enforced and are applicable to all persons owning, controlling, or operating vehicles on Golden Rain CHANGES

from page 7

Foundation (GRF) TRUST PROPERTY. This refers to the streets, sidewalks, parking areas, clubhouses, grounds, and other amenities overseen by GRF.

2.1. All MEMBER/OWNERS (M/O) are solely responsible for the actions of any VISITOR, RENTER/LESSEE (R/L), CAREGIVER, OR CONTRACTOR who has entered Leisure World Seal Beach (LWSB) under their authorization, as well as any persons who have entered LWSB through their R/L’s authorization. Therefore, the M/O is responsible for any fines and penalties associated with their unit that are imposed by GRF.

2.2. GRF is not liable for damaged, lost, or stolen property associated with the use of vehicles on GRF TRUST PROPERTY.

2.3. GRF vehicles are exempted from these policies when appropriate, such as maintenance or security vehicles assisting first responders or providing emergency services to a unit or GRF TRUST PROPERTY.

2.4. Documentation

2.4.1. No MOTOR VEHICLE (including GOLF CARTS) may be parked on TRUST PROPERTY without a valid GRF decal on its windshield or valid GRF entry pass visibly displayed. In the case of COMMERCIAL VEHICLES or RVs without a windshield or dashboard, a valid GRF pass can be secured to the vehicle or the trailer.

2.4.2. Any motor vehicle without proof of required current valid State registration may not be parked on TRUST PROPERTY at any time.

2.5. Requirements

2.5.1. All persons parking IN LEISURE WORLD SEAL BEACH must observe California Vehicle Code Chapter 10.12 regarding time limits associated with the painted curbs and parking limitations listed in this document.

2.5.2. Curb or Parking space – Vehicles may park in a designated parking space or along a curb or sidewalk, unless otherwise provided herein.

2.5.3. Parking on all Trust Streets (streets having names) shall be in the direction of the flow of traffic in all cases of parallel parking.

2.5.4. Vehicles on a two-way travel roadway must be parked with the passenger side wheels within 18 (eighteen) inches of the curb or sidewalk.

2.5.5. Vehicles must be parked completely within the marked boundaries of a parking space, except for commercial or recreational vehicles more than 20 feet in length.

2.5.6. No MOTOR VEHICLE may be parked with any portion of the vehicle on a sidewalk.

2.5.7. At no time may a motor vehicle be parked with any portion of the vehicle on the grass.

2.5.8. Vehicles may be parked for no more than 72 (seventytwo) hours in one location.

2.5.9. At no time may a vehicle be parked in a manner that creates a traffic hazard, interferes with other vehicle access, PEDESTRIAN traffic, or access to facilities or equipment.

2.5.10. MOTOR VEHICLES shall not park in GOLF CART- or LOW SPEED VEHICLES (LSV)designated spaces.

2.5.11. Pods, moving trailers or similar portable storage units are permitted on TRUST PROPERTY for up to 72 (seventytwo) hours with prior authorization.

2.5.12. Trailers not hitched to a vehicle are not permitted to be parked on TRUST PROPERTY except as noted in 4.6.


3.1. Red Zone: Vehicles in violation are subject to immediate tow at the VEHICLE owner’s expense.

3.1.1. Fire Hydrant: No person shall park within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant even if the curb is unpainted.

3.1.2. Fire Lanes: A vehicle may not be left unattended at any time.

3.1.3. Bus Stops: No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle within thirty (30) feet on the bus-stop side of the street to provide for loading and unloading of buses unless otherwise marked.

3.1.4. Crosswalks: No vehicles shall park within twenty (20) feet of a marked crosswalk.

3.2. Blue Zone (Handicapped): Vehicles must display a valid, government-issued disabled (handicapped) license plate or placard.

3.3. Green Zone: Parking may not exceed twenty (20) minutes.

3.3.1. EXCEPTION: Unlimited time parking in a Green Zone is permitted only when the vehicle is displaying a valid government-issued disabled license plate or placard.

3.4. White Zone: Immediate passenger loading and unloading only.

3.5. Yellow Zone: Vehicle loading and unloading only not to exceed 20 (twenty) minutes.

3.6. Unpainted: Parking is permitted up to 72 (seventy-two) hours, unless otherwise restricted.


4.1. Commercial Vehicles

4.1.1. Contractor vehicles must comply with all traffic and parking rules and regulations inside the community and must not obstruct or park on sidewalks or walkways.

4.1.2. Contractor and service vehicles, including personal vehicles driven by EMPLOYEES or COMMERCIAL WORKERS, shall not be parked overnight on TRUST PROPERTY (including named TRUST STREETS) without a permit.

4.2. Golf Carts and Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV)

4.2.1. GOLF CARTS AND LSVs may be parked in parking spaces or along curbs designated for GOLF CARTS or MOTOR VEHICLES.

4.2.2. GOLF CARTS AND LSVs may not be parked in any manner interfering with foot or vehicle traffic.

4.2.3. GOLF CARTS AND LSVs are prohibited from parking on the sidewalk.

4.3. Bicycles and Electric Bicycles

4.3.1. BICYCLES or ELECTRIC BICYCLES must be parked utilizing bicycle racks where provided.

4.3.2. BICYCLES or ELECTRIC BICYCLES may not be parked in any manner interfering with foot or vehicle traffic.

4.3.3. Attended BICYCLES or ELECTRIC BICYCLES may be parked off the pavement, but only in such a manner as not to damage landscaping.

4.3.4. BICYCLES or ELECTRIC BICYCLES are prohibited from parking on the sidewalk.

4.3.5. Overnight parking of bicycles on TRUST PROPERTY is not permitted.

4.4. Mobility Scooters

4.4.1. MOBILITY SCOOTERS may be parked in parking spaces designated as intended for “SCOOTERS” or “GOLF CARTS.”

4.4.2. MOBILITY SCOOTERS shall not be parked in any manner interfering with foot or vehicle traffic.

4.4.3. MOBILITY SCOOTERS are prohibited from parking on a sidewalk.


4.5.1. The RV or VUFR parked on TRUST PROPERTY MUST display a valid GRF-issued decal or valid entry pass.

4.5.2. The RV or VUFR cannot be parked on trust streets except for loading and unloading purposes for no more than

24 (twenty-four) hours with approved security entry pass.

4.5.3. Other activities, such as vehicle maintenance, sleeping, cooking or resting in the RV or VUFR, are not permitted.

4.5.4. The RV or VUFR must be parked with engine and accessory equipment (e.g., exterior lights, air conditioner, audio and video equipment) shut off. The generator may be used while loading or unloading the vehicle and ONLY between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. when parked on trust streets.

4.5.5. The extensions such as slide-outs, tilt-outs, and awnings must remain closed. Steps must not block the sidewalk.

4.5.6. The RV or VUFR shall not be attached to any external power or water supply.

4.5.7. Leveling jacks, if used, must include a base plate sufficient to prevent damage to pavement.

4.5.8. No animals or children shall be left unattended on or within any RV or VUFR at any time.

4.5.9. Safety Requirements – All sections of the California Vehicle Code that are applicable to RVs and VUFRs shall be adhered to while parked in the community.

4.6. Designated Temporary RV and VUFR Parking

4.6.1. Designated Temporary RV and VUFR Parking Location The Three (3) approved parking spaces within the Clubhouse Four (4) parking lot are for temporary RV and VUFR use, subject to the terms and conditions noted in this policy. Available permit parking is limited. Spaces are allotted on a “first-come-first-served” basis.

4.6.2. Identification All RVs and VUFRs must be registered with the Recreation Department and display the Parking Permit in order to park in the noted location, see 4.6.1. If the RV and VUFR does not have a windshield, the identification must be placed on the king pin of a fifth wheel or the tongue of a trailer.

4.6.3. RVs and VUFRs Temporary Registration M/O or R/L must register the visitor RV or VUFR with the Recreation Department during business hours prior to arrival and pay the necessary fees, see 10-2000-2. Payment and security deposit shall be collected by the Recreation Department at the time the Parking Permit is issued from the M/O or R/L. Maximum Consecutive Nights. An RV (and boat or trailer) or VUFR may be parked in the approved location within Clubhouse Four (4) parking lot for a maximum of fourteen (14) days for a fee . An additional third week may be approved at an additional fee (see 10-2000-2)*. A second term will be allowed within twelve calendar months, provided that the RV or VUFR has been out of the community for no less than one hundred eighty (180) days. Vehicle must be removed at the expiration of approved stay. Failure to comply will result in immediate towing of the vehicle at the owner’s expense and/or withholding of security deposit. the event of an unexpected medical and or mechanical emergency, the Executive Director or their designee may grant a limited extension not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours.

4.6.4. Use of an RV or VUFR CHANGES

from page 10 M/O, R/L or Visitors may not live in a RV or VUFR parked in the community. This includes sleeping, cooking or any other activities not associated with preparation of the vehicle for travel or storage. No barbeques or exterior cooking is permitted. No animal or child shall be left alone in a vehicle at any time. Safety Requirements–All sections of the California Vehicle Code that are applicable to RVs and VUFRs shall be adhered to while parked in the community.


5.1. Clubhouse One

5.1.1. There is no parking between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in the following Clubhouse One parking areas: The lot near the woodshop. The spaces on the west side of the clubhouse (Burning Tree). The lot across from the clubhouse next to the golf course, except for Employee vehicles during their work shift and authorized GRF contractor vehicles.

5.2. Clubhouse Two

5.2.1. Parking in the lot next to the car wash is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

5.2.2. Parking is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in the spaces on the east side of the clubhouse (El Dorado).

5.2.3. Parking is permitted up to 72 (seventy-two) hours in the lot north of Clubhouse Two if the vehicle displays an official GRF decal or an unexpired short-term entry pass issued by Security.

5.3. Clubhouses Three and Four

5.3.1. Overnight parking is prohibited except for those vehicles permitted by Security, i.e., GRF buses, Radio Club Emergency Van, Innovative Cleaning Services Vehicles, or approved temporary RVs/VUFRs.

5.3.2. Participants in a GRF-sanctioned overnight bus tour may park their vehicles in Clubhouse Three parking lot for up to seventy-two (72) hours. An authorized permit must be displayed on dash.

5.3.3. RVs and VUFRs may be permitted to park in the extended lot (where the GRF buses are stationed) for up to fourteen (14) days as noted in 4.6.1.

5.4. Building Five, Clubhouse Six, Healthcare Center, Administration and Alley

5.4.1. No overnight parking is permitted, except for GRF Vehicles and vehicles authorized by GRF Executive Director or their designee.

5.5. Amphitheater

5.5.1. Only employees of GRF, the Healthcare Center (HCC) or commercial lesses may park in designated employee parking from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday.

5.5.2. AUTHORIZED RESIDENTS may park in spaces marked for “Staff” or “HCC” only from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

5.5.3. No overnight parking is allowed.

5.5.4. Visitors are only allowed to park in the Amphitheater parking lot during GRF-sponsored special events.

5.5.5. The parking space designated for the HCC 24-hour Nurse may never be used by anyone else.

5.6. No RVs are allowed to park in any community lots except for the designated temporary parking area at Clubhouse 4 (see 4.6).


6.1. No animal or child is allowed to be left alone in any parked vehicle on TRUST PROPERTY. Animal Control or Seal Beach Police, respectively, will be called immediately.

6.2. “For Sale” signage shall not be displayed on any vehicle on TRUST PROPERTY.

6.3. Vehicles may not be repaired and/or major service may not be performed, and fluids may not be changed on any TRUST PROPERTY.

6.4. Only Vehicles owned by an AUTHORIZED RESIDENT and displaying a GRF-issued decal shall only be washed at the car and RV washing areas behind Clubhouse Two.

6.5. Vehicles shall not be washed anywhere on TRUST PROPERTY other than the designated car wash area.

7. TOWING The Security Department has been authorized by the GRF Board of Directors to enforce the rules of this community in compliance with California Vehicle Code Section 22658, which may result in the towing of a vehicle at the vehicle owner’s expense.

7.1. MOTOR VEHICLES Subject to Immediate Towing at the VEHICLE Owner’s Expense:

7.1.1. Those in red zones designating fire lanes or fire hydrants; 7.1.2. Those parked in any no-parking zone;

7.1.3. Those parked in handicapped spaces without a proper government-issued placard or state-issued disabled license plates;

7.1.4. Those in properly posted construction zones;

7.1.5. Those blocking entrances, exits, and crosswalks or preventing access to or operation of another motor vehicle.

7.1.6. Those leaking gasoline, oil, or any other hazardous fluids; and

7.1.7. Those parked in the space designated for the HCC

24-Hour Nurse.

7.1.8. Any PROHIBITED VEHICLE such as: Boats or unattached trailers; Inoperable vehicles; Unlicensed and/or off-road vehicles (except golf carts); CHANGES

from page 11 Vehicles lacking current state registration; Aircraft.

7.2. Other Parking Violations Subject to Towing

7.2.1. Any vehicle issued a Community Rules Violation notice shall be subject to towing 72 hours after the citation has been posted.

7.2.2. Any RV or VUFR that has exceeded its fourteen (14) day permit shall be towed at the owner’s expense, unless an additional third week has been approved at an additional fee (see 10-2000-2). Document History Keywords: Parking, Towing, Oversize Vehicles, Parking Zones, Trust Property.

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