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LW America First Republican Club

by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

Members of the LW Republican Club was pleasantly surprised at one outcome of the March 5 primary election in Orange County as Steve Garvey received about as many votes as his two Democratic opponents combined. In this county, former Dodger and Padre first baseman Garvey received 43.32%, compared to Katie Porter’s 22.23%, and Adam Schiff ’s 22.72%.

Schiff followed an unusual path when he launched a major media campaign singling out Garvey as his main opponent, rather than democratic Porter. This strategy was designed to make Garvey his runoff appointment rather than Porter. Schiff assumed that Garvey would be easier to beat in a runoff than Porter, because of the huge registration advantage that Democrats hold over Republicans in the state. The November runoff will be between Schiff and Garvey, just as the Congressman hoped.

The LW Republican Club believes in legal immigration and secure borders, peace through strength, lower taxes, cutting government spending, free enterprise capitalism, family values, parental control of education, public safety through well-funded law-enforcement, and an America-first foreign policy.

The America First Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. for socializing and 5:30 for the speaker.

The club booth, located near Clubhouse 6, will be open each Monday and Wednesday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Residents can sign the Protect Kids of California petition, register to vote, change their party affiliation, or just enjoy pleasant conversation.

The Protect Kids of California proposition, if passed, would not allow transgender people to enter bathrooms or compete in sports not according to their gender at birth. It would also require schools to get parental permission to refer students for genderaltering medical care or hormone therapy.

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