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Joyful Line Dance offers beginner classes to new members

Joyful Line Dance offers beginner classes to new members Joyful Line Dance offers beginner classes to new members

Joyful Line Dance Club will continue to meet without holiday breaks on Thursdays in Clubhouse 2 from 10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. with a special class for newbies from 10-10:30. All attendees are asked to sign in with their name, Mutual and unit number before the class.

Everyone is welcome to join with the minimal membership fee. Exercise or dancing shoes are recommended.

Joyful Line Dance Club has many leaders who take turns teaching to avoid burnout and to share their unique skills. They are Albert and Gladys Comia, Carmel Atkinson, Chung Cha Lewis, George Pinada, Gina Baik, Karen Kei, Nak Soo Kim, Elizabeth Kim, Sunny Kim and Anna Derby.

One of the leaders, Karen Kei, has been teaching the classes while others are away, and introduced several new dances to the members. They are “Maria Meringue,” “Papa,” “The River of Babylon,” “Sugar Sugar,” “Jim Reeves Waltz” and “Desire” (Barem in Korean).

For more information about the classes or club membership, call Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

—Anna Derby

Club members danced to "You' are My Sunshine" at the holiday party in Clubhouse 2.

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