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American Legion Auxiliary adopts family for holidays

by Dianne Hart

LW contributor

The American Legion Auxiliary had the privilege of bringing the holidays to a local family. The father is a retired 20-year veteran.

The family includes four girls, ages 7, 5, 4 years and 18 months old.

Auxiliary members got to shop for toys that the mother advised were on the girls’ wish lists.

The Auxiliary was also able to supply gift cards for clothing, groceries and gasoline.

Members thank the community for its support of the club, which allows good deeds like this.

The group’s next big fund raiser will be the fashion show and luncheon on March 9.

Tickets are $40 each. A table of eight may be purchased for $300. Tickets may be purchased starting Jan. 7 and continuing Jan. 14, and 28 and Feb. 4, 11 and 25 at Clubhouse 2 bingo.

The Auxiliary meets every third Monday of the month.

For more information or to learn about how to join, call Dianne Hart at 714-955-2885.

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