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Club performs back-to-back during busiest month of the year

Club performs back-to-back during busiest month of the year Club performs back-to-back during busiest month of the year


Christmas is Hui O Hula, LW Hawaiian dance club’s favorite time for hula dancing. From the beginning of November, instructor Jojo Weingart and her old-timers show newbies how to hula to popular Christmas songs such as “Mele Kalikimaka,” “White Christmas” and “Pola’i e/Silent Night.” Not only do members enjoy the dances, but they also love dressing in red and green mu’umu’u (in Hawaiian, the long dresses are pronounced MOOOO-MOO-OO), wearing festive lei and jingle bells. Quite a few malihini/newcomers are ready to entertain on stage and at their own holiday parties.

Anyone interested in learning the Hawaiian dance is welcome to Hui O Hula’s classes. To hula is to tell a story in dance. Swaying to the melodic beat is a gentle workout that also helps coordination; and remembering the movements is good for the mind. Lessons are given twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursdays, starting at 1 p.m. Tuesday’s class is held upstairs in Clubhouse 6; Thursday’s class meets at Veterans Plaza. Hula noho (dancing sitting in chairs) is acceptable. For more information, call 562-252-9676.

December is a busy time for the dancers. Entertainment Coordinator Kaye “KK” Huff has been working tirelessly to schedule performances during the holidays. So far the dancers have participated at the LW Amateur Radio Club’s family holiday program; the American Latino Club, the CDs for Seniors Club, the Coin Club and Mutual 7’s neighborhood Christmas parties.

Last week, Mee Jung McPartland brought her hula sisters to Calvary Mission Church in Buena Park and entertained the Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. Everyone had fun dancing “12 Days of Christmas” and enjoyed an ono/delicious Korean lunch together. Mahalo/thanks to Hyun Lee’s introduction, Hui O Hula had the honor (once again) to entertain the Korean War Veterans at their holiday party at Clubhouse 4.

Dec. 24 is Huff’s birthday. Raised in Long Beach, Huff had a job in the hospitality sector that enabled her to travel around the world. In 1988, she and minister husband, Owen, moved into LW from Studio City. The couple never looked back and has been bringing blessings to all people since. Today, Huff continues to do so with LW Aloha Club, NOCE Chorus and hula dancing. For more hula information or to book a Hawaiian style program, call Huff at 562-431-2242.

—Jojo Weingart

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