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Letters to the Editor


I’ve been wondering if the Republican Club in Leisure World added “America First” to its name specifically because it’s become the political slogan of white nationalist groups?

I hope not. I don’t like to think that—although I’m sure there are racists among us—it’s become part of the club’s beliefs, which are occasionally listed. I want to believe the majority of club members are unaware of the phrase’s present connotation and usage.

Lee Hoyt Mutual 11 Editor:

I want to thank Valerie McRoberts for her long and beautifully written obituary for her friend Darlene Melek (Dec. 14).

Darlene must have been a wonderful woman. I wish I had known her.

In five short years, she contributed much to our life here at Leisure World, including service on the Mutual 12 Board. Valerie added quotes from a number of Darlene’s neighbors and friends, showing how much the woman meant to everyone who knew her. Her life was a reminder that exceptional people like her make Leisure World a very special community.

Fred Fenton Mutual 12

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