Patti Smith earns perfect score
The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday at noon in Clubhouse 1. Refreshments are served from noon-12:15 p.m. and anyone arriving by 12:15 is assured a place to play. Announcements are shared at 12:25 and play begins at 12:30. Seven games are played each week.
Julie Milburn provided cake and ice cream for a “Happy Cribbage Day,” and also in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 1941. Carrie Kistner and Candy Meyers served the refreshments. Melinda Cowan provided nuts and an assortment of candies.
Dec. 5 winners: Patti Smith, with a perfect score of 847 and earning another star, first place; Don Kramer, 842, second; Joanne Lester and Jesus Sosa, 837; third; Dolores Cook, 836, fourth.
Irene Perkins, Irvine Bernstein and Suzanne Parks all finished with six 121s. Diane Holdaway was welcomed as a new member.
For more information, contact Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-2795665. — Mary Holder