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How to make the most of retirement

How to make the most of retirement How to make the most of retirement


The Seniors for Peace Club will meet today, March 7, at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The featured speaker will be Dave Silva. He will talk about the concept of retirement, how it evolved and how to make it productive and fulfilling. Retirees should always keep learning, being involved in the world around them, and doing new things.

Silva has lived in Leisure World for the past 24 years. During that time he has been president of the Democratic Club, run for the State Assembly in 2004, and served on the executive board of the Orange County Democratic Party. He has also been president of the Pool Club and Bowling Club, and for the past six years has served as president of the Humanist Association, presenting programs on building a better society. He is the author of “Searching for Utopia,” which explores humanity’s search for that better life.

Prior to moving to Leisure World, Silva’s background ranges from science fiction fandom to being a tournament chess player, teaching a college course called “A Brief History of Science Fiction” and teaching chess to third and fourth graders.

All residents and guests are invited to attend. Call Pat Kruger at 562-357-4040 for more information.

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