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securing fidelity bond coverage ….

securing fidelity bond coverage or terminate GRF’s existing coverage. The candidate must be current in the payment of carrying charges excluding nonpayment of collection charges, late charges, fines, remove assessments, costs levied by a third party, or if the member has paid regular or special assessments under protest per Civil Code Section 5658, has entered into and is currently on a payment plan, or if the member has not been provided with the opportunity to engage in Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR). Candidates must be members of GRF for at least one year. Renters/lessees of a unit within a Mutual are not eligible.

Each candidate is required to submit a 300-word or (more/ less), single-sided statement to the Stock Transfer Office, written in compliance with the election rules and contain the background, qualifications, and platform of the candidate, and shall not contain any disparaging or defamatory content. The statement will be mailed out with ballots.

Candidates should refer to GRF By-laws, Article Six, Section One, and complete an Eligibility Disclaimer. Application for Candidacy forms and GRF Directors Handbooks are available in the Stock Transfer Office in the Administration Building, and should be submitted by Friday, Mar. 29, 4:30 p.m.

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