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Rollin’ Thunder Hosts Air and Water Day this Saturday, Dec. 2

Rollin’ Thunder Hosts Air and Water Day this Saturday, Dec. 2 Rollin’ Thunder Hosts Air and Water Day this Saturday, Dec. 2

The Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Club will hold its quarterly Air and Water day on Saturday, Dec. 2, weather permitting.

The popular maintenance event will be in the Clubhouse 4 parking lot from 8:30-10 a.m. Entrance to the cart line-up will be on the exit/alley roadway that connects North Gate Road on the east side of Clubhouse 3. Club volunteers and Security staff will post directional signs and help maintain order.

Club member volunteers will check tire pressure and battery levels and fill them as needed. Many LW residents find these important activities difficult to accomplish. However, ignoring these two maintenance items can lead to blow-outs, premature tire wear, steering accidents and golf carts not starting, or stalling in traffic.

There is never a charge for this valuable service, and all LW golf cart owners are urged to participate. Club membership is not required.

For more information, contact club President Tom Davis at 562-431-6859.

—Roger Bennett

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