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America First Republican Club

by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

GOP congressional candidate Max Ukropina addressed the LW America First Republican Club Oct. 18, focusing on parental rights in education, illegal immigration and runaway government spending.

Ukropina will face Scott Baugh in the March primary to determine which candidate will replace current Democratic congresswoman Katie Porter in November. Baugh represented this area in the California State Assembly from 1995-2000 and briefly served as the minority leader.

Ukropina stressed that he is not a career politician but rather a businessman, whose company helps small banks to thrive. On a moral personal level, he said he got married just four months ago.

He said voters in this congressional district voted Republican in every race but Katie Porter’s, indicating that this makes the seat very winnable.

Regarding education, he said Orange County schools are great, but U.S. government educational policies are eroding parental rights and that the solution is eliminating federal control of education.

On the immigration issue, Ukropina said that 4 million people have entered this country illegally since President Joe Biden entered office. Also, 150 people on the terrorist watchlist have been caught trying to cross the border.

“It is time to finish the wall,” Ukropina said.

On the issue of runaway government spending, Ukropina said that currently the cost of financing the national debt is greater than the amount spent on national defense.

Ukropina also voiced concern that China is sending soldiers into the U.S. to attend school to spy on American companies and steal information and patent rights.

“We are not vetting immigrants,” Ukropina said.

Republican Club President David Harlow said that soon the Israeli flag will be flying at the LW America First Republican Club booth every Monday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in support of Israel’s fight against Hamas and Islamic terrorism. The flag has been purchased and is expected to arrive at any time, he said.

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