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Community Church

This is the second week of Lent, but each Sunday of Lent is designed as a mini Easter—a time to celebrate the love of God. Community Church will look at how God calls people to do difficult things. There will be people who step into the world solely driven to separate and exclude and damage; believers need to resist them. Believers need to be lovers, healers, helpers, truth-tellers and caregivers. People need a reminder that goodness still lives here.

Community Church meets for worship every Sunday at 9:50 a.m. followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshments. People are welcome to arrive early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. The church is located inside Leisure World at 14000 Church Place. All are welcome to attend.

Those who are in need without another way to address it may call the church office at 562-431-2503.

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