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Presidents’ Council Meeting Recap

THE PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL Clubhouse 4 and Zoom Tele-Video Conference

The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council of Leisure World Seal Beach was convened at 1:30 p.m. by President Jeri Dolch on Feb. 7 in Clubhouse 4 and Zoom televideo conference.

The following is a recap:

• Presidents’ Council meeting minutes of Jan. 3, 2024, were approved as written.

• GAF President Anna Derby discussed the fourth centenarian event hosted by GAF.

• Emergency Information Council (EIC) President Jackie Dunagan provided an update on the Emergency Information Council. The EIC is now a 501c3 charity and will be accepting credit card donations and unwanted vehicle donations.

• SecurityServicesDirectorVictor Rocha provided an update on the gate access system.

• Senior Director of Facilities Mark Weaver provided updates on community projects and the possibility of having new black standard ovens.

• Senior Director of Mutual Administration Jodi Hopkins provided updates on the Stock Transfer and Mutual Administration Departments.

• Senior Portfolio Specialist Ripa Barua provided an update on the Mutual elections.

• Executive Director Jessica Sedgwick provided an update on general projects in the community.

• Executive Manager Dave Potter provided an update on the Seal Beach water rates increase.

• The next meeting is on Wednesday, March 6, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4. It will be streamed via Zoom tele-video conference and YouTube Live.

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