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Letter to the Editor


There are knuckleheads in my Mutual. What’s wrong with people? Why can’t folks just do the right thing? Why is it so blasted difficult to “break down” shipping and package boxes before putting them into the dumpster?

So once again this morning, upon opening the dumpster lid, I discovered it was almost full—but not really, some knucklehead put about six shipping boxes into the dumpster without breaking them down. I’m being nice calling this knucklehead a knucklehead. I have other more appropriate names, but LW Weekly will not publish them.

How did this individual qualify for this soubriquet—by taking the time to use a marker to obliterate the shipping address and name on each box label! So knucklehead had enough time to mark out all evidence of his/her/whatever pronoun, but not enough time to break down the box. Why?

A neighbor suggested that perhaps they didn’t have the agility to breakdown the boxes…well to that I say “Bunk!”

The individual had enough energy to open the one end to take out his/her/whatever items; how much more is required to open the other end? Shallow excuse at best. NO! This individual is a knucklehead, and a selfish knucklehead at that. I would posit that this knucklehead is just a selfish, annoying, knucklehead who probably thinks he/she/whatever is being really noble by putting the boxes in the “recycling” bin…bravo!

Donna Gambol Mutual 1

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