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Democratic Club

Democratic Club Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

By now registered voters in the LW community will have received their Primary Election ballot. All Democrats and No Preferred Party voters will have also received a letter from the LW Democratic Club stressing the importance of voting. In addition, all voters who have subscribed to the club’s newsletter will have received information via email about the candidates.

Because the club believes that facts and truth-telling matters, everything appearing in the weekly articles and newsletters has been fact checked for accuracy before publication. Believing strongly in transparency, all articles and newsletters are also published on the website at

The Resources section of the website contains information about some of the candidates listed on the Democratic Primary ballot who are running for election to the governing body of the Orange County Democratic Party. They are listed on the ballot as “Member, County Central Committee, 72nd Assembly District.”

The club board is supporting the following six 72nd Assembly District candidates for election to this important Democratic Central Committee: Faye Hezar, Jonathan Adler, Gina Clayton Tarvin, Anita Narayana, Bethany Webb, and Parshan Khosrav.

The election to replace termed-out Andrew Do as LW’s District 1 representative on the Orange County Board of Supervisors is receiving a great deal of attention throughout the county. If any one of the candidates seeking this powerful position receives over 50% of the vote in the Primary, the election for the seat will be over. There would be no runoff in the November General Election.

Due to an editing error made by the newspaper in last week’s article, the possibility of the winner of an election being finalized in the Primary was attached to the Assembly race rather than to the Board of Supervisors.

The LW Democratic Club is supporting Frances Marquez for the District 1 seat on the OC Board of Supervisors, as is the Democratic Party of Orange County.

Thanks to faithful volunteers and weather permitting, the club’s new red, white and blue hospitality and information tent outside Clubhouse 6 is open every Tuesday and Thursday. Democrats and supporters who want to learn more about the election or the club are invited to stop by at any time between 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Democrats and supporters are also invited to subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing If the request has not been answered, email again or call editor Mary Larson at 562-296-8521.

The LW Democratic Club's information booth is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in front of Clubhouse 6 for Democrats or supporters to visit.

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