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LW Baptist

Worship requires a grateful heart. Ungratefulness and unbelief feed each other. LW Baptist’s Sunday service on Feb. 11 in Clubhouse 4 at 10 a.m. will remind believers to give God thanks, for he is good; his love endures forever.

The book of Numbers tells the story of two generations. The first generation was fickle; its faith vacillated. The second generation was faithful, steadfast, in trusting God. Both generations experienced God’s daily care and provision, along with trials and troubles. Yet the first did not benefit from God’s gifts, because people were ungrateful, resentful in hardships, felt entitled to every blessing and did not place total dependence on God.

The second generation confessed God’s holiness and all mankind’s need of this holy God in all things. When God preserved their lives, they thanked him publicly for his mercy. Their faith to look to God and follow him received his reward, his blessing.

For more information, call 562-889-8888.

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