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LW Women’s Golf Club

The next major tournament of the LW Women’s Golf Club will be the Turkey Shoot on Nov.14 and 21.

The next general meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 3 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1.

This week’s tournament had 37 golfers playing for low gross, low net and putts.

A flight winners: Low gross: Linda Herman and Devora Kim, 28; low net: Sandy Derouin and Hae Lee, 26. Herman had 11 putts.

B flight winners: Low gross: MaryAnn Moore, 27; low net: Teresa Lim, 22. Marilyn Hewitt had 11 putts.

C flight winners: Low gross : Helen Yoon, 33; low gross: Delius Kum and Dale Quinn, 26. Yoon had 15 putts.

D flight winners: Low gross: Mary Devlin, 34; low net: Lynn Baidack, 25. Sue Elliott had 12 putts.

Those interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information. — Liz Meripol

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