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Community Church

In the Gospel of Matthew this week, Jesus is asked which commandment is the greatest and in his answer he links two together: love God and love your neighbor. However there is a third part to the commandment that is sometimes overlooked: love yourself. It has been all too easy in the last several centuries to think about failings before God instead of God’s inherent love for all people.

The season of extended Advent is almost here. Community Church will begin its Advent Celebration on Nov. 12. But first, on Nov. 5 the church will celebrate All Saints Day, remembering those who have finished their course in faith and are now absent from the body, but present with the Lord. Those who have someone who has passed this year and want to memorialize on All Saints Day should contact the church office at 562-431-2503.

Community Church continues to add new members and celebrates that all are welcome here. Worship is held at 9:50 a.m. on Sundays,followed by a time fellowship and light refreshment. Come early for a cup of coffee in the Narthex. The church is located inside Leisure World 14000 Church Place.

People may also watch services on Facebook at @Community-ChurchLeisureWorld

and on Zoom. Contact the church office for the Zoom link. As always those who are in need without another way to address it, may call the church office to leave a message at 562-431-2503.

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