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Men’s Golf Club wears pink for awareness

The first Leisure World Men’s Golf Club tournament of the month was held Oct. 11 on the Turtle Lake Golf Course. A total of 54 golfers teed off and played 18 holes through a very warm, sunny morning and into the afternoon. The club thanks the many men who helped celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink, peach or red shirts.

Two groups of three flights of variously skilled golfers vied for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot circle rewarded) and two closest-to-the-pin challenges.

The course was very well manicured for the tournament. Although the tee boxes still need some improvement, the fairways and greens were in excellent shape. The weeds on the greens are very nearly gone, and the few wet spots on fairways have been noted and reported. Padded walkways were replaced recently, as they were becoming a hazard.

Even with good conditions only 22 of the 54 rounds were net under par, but there were a remarkable 70 birdies. The low gross competition was won by Bill Lyons at two under, followed by Young Kim at one under. Lastly, John Kolthoff and Bob Johnston tied at even par. Best net scores were Ron Steele and Bill Long. Closest to the pin on the 65yard par-3 second hole was Jae H. Lee at 4’ 3”, and on the par-3 11th hole was Dong Kim at 2’ 9”. There were also nine circle hole winners.

All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A flight winners (handicaps 0- 5): Tie between Johnston and Young J. Kim at 5 under 49, first place; tie between Dave LaCascia, Kolthoff and Mark Rice, 3 under 51, second; Lyons, 2 under 52, third; tie between Pat Paternoster and Thomas Kim, 1 under 53, fourth; tie between Andrew Kim, and Orlando Ramirez, even par 54, fifth.

B flight winners (handicaps 6-12): Tie between Steele and Long at 7 under 47, first place; Don Roberson, 6 under 48, second; tie between Dale Williamson and Steve Walker, 4 under 50, third; tie between Jae H. Lee and Steve Kang, 3 under 51, fourth; tie between James Farr, Byron Schweitzer, Ken Notorleva and Joon Soop Yoon, 2 under 52, fifth; tie between John Rudosky and Jun Um, 1 under 53, sixth; Peter Oh, even par 54, seventh.

C flight winners (handicaps 13-18): Mike Carlson at 5 under 49, first place; Peter Bae, 4 under 50, second; Manny Miranda, 3 under 51, third; Ben Benjamins, 1 under 53, fourth; Paul Shellenberger, even par 54, fifth; tie between Bill Zurn and Jack Haskins, one over 55, sixth.

The next men’s tournament will be on Oct. 25 and every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The next Guys and Gals tournament will be on Oct. 25. Continue to support Breast Cancer Awareness by wearing brightly colored shirts. Guys and Gals tournaments are played every third Wednesday plus the fifth Wednesday if there is one. Those who had planned to play and cannot should contact Alan Sewell at 541-324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled tee time and be ready to play. — Dave LaCascia

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