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LW Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW Contributor

Leisure World Democratic Club’s monthly voter education sessions will begin again next Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 1 p.m in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. This first session of the new year will focus on current attempts to censor reading material. Carol Daus, board member of the Friends of Huntington Beach Public Library, will be the resource person for this session.

People can, but need not, register in advance for the Jan. 17 voter education session by emailing Bev Bender at or calling 562-594-9148.

The Democratic Club’s first membership meeting in the new year will be on Wednesday, Jan. 24, in a new location, Clubhouse 3, Room 2 and new time, 1:30 p.m. Dom Jones, the Democratic Party endorsed candidate for the California Assembly in the March 2024 Primary Election, will be the featured speaker. There will also be information available on Proposition 1, which will be on all Leisure World voters’ March primary ballot. Access to the meeting will be available by Zoom. ••• Endorsement of candidates running in the March primary election has been finalized by both the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) and the state-wide party. These lists will be included in a letter to be sent to LW Democrats and potential supporters in February. The lists will also be posted on the club’s website at

Of special interest to Leisure World voters will be the endorsement of Frances Marquez for election to the OC Board of Supervisors. Marquez is running to replace termed-out Republican Andrew Do as LW’s District 1 representative on the board.

There is also no incumbent running in the race to represent Leisure World’s 47th District residents in Congress. Both House Democrats and Republicans have listed winning the district among their highest priorities in 2024. President Biden won the district with 54.5% of the vote in the 2020 presidential election. California Sen. Dave Min is the Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate for the position.

••• The Leisure World Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter. Everything appearing in the press releases and the semi-monthly newsletters has been fact checked to the fullest extent possible.

All Leisure World Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s semi-monthly electronic newsletter by emailing It is important to include complete contact information: address, phone number and party registration, in the request. If a person’s request has not been answered or they are not receiving the newsletter, email again or call editor Mary Larson at 562-296-8521.

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