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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

It has been an exciting karaoke singing year for Walt and Margie Bier, the club’s karaoke jockey hosts. The club has welcomed so many new folks to the experience of performing before a friendly crowd. Some newcomers are fulfilling their “bucket list,” while others are returning to singing with past experiences in choir or school performances. The club’s audience show its appreciation for everyone’s efforts.

The karaoke Christmas party was a joyous event with food and happy people. Walt Bier set the tone with his favorite “Christmas in Dixie.” Full of holiday cheer, many other familiar carols were performed by club members. The audience shows its appreciation with hardy applause for each singer. Karaoke night music seems to bond folks who do not know each other well. Everyone is welcome to join the group Wednesday nights in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 5:30.

—Margie Thompson

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