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Dave LaCascia celebrates his birthday with a ride on a Duffy boat

Dave LaCascia celebrates his birthday with a ride on a Duffy boat Dave LaCascia celebrates his birthday with a ride on a Duffy boat

It was not a “Dark and Stormy Night” but rather a sunny and delightful late afternoon at the Huntington Harbor. Chauffeured by Captain Mark deDubovay, the four good friends cruised for several hours around Trinidad Island, Gilbert Island and Sunset Beach to celebrate Dave LaCascia’s 75th birthday.

Leaving from Prince Park on Trinidad Island, the foursome toured the surrounding waterways and viewed the beautiful homes and boats while being given running commentary on the area, including various homes owned by writers, business types and sports notables such as Mark McGuire, The group enjoyed getting laughs from the names of the luxury yachts and smaller boats moored everywhere in the canals. One yacht owner who supposedly won the lottery called his yacht “Lotto Fun.”

There are plenty of yachts that with names that play off the theme being free: Carpe Diem, My Way, Destiny, and Endless Summer. Sometimes, relationship issues such as “She Got the House” and “Joint Custody.”

The f ood w as p lentiful. A ppetizers, p rovided b y t he c aptain, included warm brie, hard cheese, blackberries, rolls, and crackers. Sandra DeDubovay and Joe DiDonato supplied the dinner made of chicken and cabbage slaw. Dessert, from Liz Meripol, was a no-bake cheesecake including candles to celebrate Dave (who brought his appetite) LaCascia’s 36th anniversary of his 39th birthday. The reason for the anniversary reference is that Dave’s Mom was only 39 (for about 53 years) so he can’t get any older than that. And of course, wine was plentiful.

As the sun went down and the weather cooled, the five travelers headed back to port savoring the delightful time they all had. Sunset was magnificent and wonderful to see from the water. Many thanks to Sandra’s son and dauntless Duffy-boat owner, Captain Mark.

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