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Randy Ankeny will be Friday’s speaker

Randy Ankeny will be Friday’s speaker Randy Ankeny will be Friday’s speaker


Randy Ankeny, GRF Executive Administrator, will be the guest speaker for the Sunshine Club’s Zoom meeting this Friday.

Ankeny will be speaking about current and future projects in Leisure World and he will answer questions asked by club members as well.

Though COVID-19 has temporally taken away the ability to use some of the popular LW amenities, the GRF Board has been using this time to renew and refresh parts of LW and Ankeny is excited about what everyone will see once its possible to fully open again.

Ankeny will also talk about how we can continue to improve the LW community.

Through his experience and education, Ankeny developed a keen sense of customer service and a commitment to enhancing lifestyles to protect and increase property values of the communities under his care. He has substantive executive experience in managing service and property operations. He has been in his post since in June 2013.

To join Zoom Meeting, use the link, https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88355201570 The meeting ID is: 883 5520 1570 Those who would like to get the Zoom link by email, can text their email address to (562) 301-5339. All shareholders are welcome to join the Zoom meeting.

The Sunshine Club often has LW leaders come to meetings to introduce their organizations to the group. It also invites a wide variety of specialists from outside to share their experiences and ideas with club members. The club always welcomes new people.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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