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Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW Contributor

This month’s LW Democratic Club meeting has been rescheduled for Nov. 30 (the fifth Thursday of the month). It be held in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at 1 p.m. Members and supporters can also join the meeting online or by phone. To receive the Zoom login information, email

California Sen. Dave Min will attend this club meeting in person. He will present information about his campaign for election to the U.S. House of Representatives. Min and community activist Joanna Weiss are the two major Democratic contenders for election to Congress for District 47, which includes Leisure World.

Weiss had discussed her campaign with club members during an earlier meeting.

The Democratic Party’s official endorsement of a candidate in this highly contested District 47 campaign will take place during the state-wide convention in Sacramento later this month. The party will also make endorsements in other contests. This will include a statewide ballot measure that changes the funding structure and name of the Mental Health Services Act. The measure also authorizes the issue of bonds for veteran housing and homeless projects.

LW Democratic Club members will also vote to elect the 2024/25 board of directors during the Nov. 30 meeting. The nominating committee presented the following slate of candidates during the September club meeting.

• President: William (Bill) Bruce

• Treasurer: Mary Tromp

• Assistant treasurer: Robert

(Bob) Cohen

• Secretary: Jane Brittingham

• Program Chair: Debbie Wrathall

• Nominating Chair: Virginia Devine Melville

• Special Events Chair: Martha Warner

• Hospitality Chair: Rachael Lehmberg

• Member at Large: Beverley Bender There have been no additional nominations.

Vice President Kathy Moran, Publicity Chair Mary Larson and Membership Chair Loni Gardette were previously elected for a two-year term ending in December 2024.

There will be no Democratic Club membership meeting in December. In its place, several of the recently appointed neighbor to neighbor coordinators will hold a number of smaller social events in their respective Mutuals. Anyone interested in participating in this outreach to LW Democrats should email

The Seal Beach Leisure World Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter. Everything appearing in the weekly press releases and the semi-monthly newsletters has been fact checked to the fullest extent possible.

All Leisure World Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter. To sign up, email mlarson.telfords@gmail. com. It is important to include complete contact information— including party registration—in the request.

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