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Joyful Line Dance Club

Joyful Line Dance Club Joyful Line Dance Club

The GRF Board approved the reopening of the Veterans Plaza and Mission Park on Sept. 4 under Emergency Operational Procedures in keeping with government- mandated pandemic restrictions.

On Sept. 9, the Joyful Line Dance Club had its first class since June, when the plaza was briefly opened before a second wave of COVID-19 closed the venue.

Last week’s class was a pleasant reunion of members. Teacher Jojo Weingart’ led the class, and everyone who showed up with face coverings and maintained social distancing. People had a wonderful time dancing to the music and feeling fresh air at the outdoor facility.

The Joyful Line Dance Club class will open its weekly dance classes at Veterans Plaza. The class meets Wednesdays from 2-3:30 p.m. (except the fourth Wednesday, 3-4:30 p.m.) For more information, call Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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