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LW Baptist

LW Baptist LW Baptist

By Rolland Coburn


The Bible says Jesus is Lord. Conversations in Luke 6 show this in action.

One Sabbath conversation occurred in a grainfield. Jesus crossed with his disciples, who plucked, shucked and snacked on the grain, as God’s law permitted. Pharisees watching accused them of Sabbath-breaking, of harvesting, though they carried nothing away. They faulted Jesus’ allowing it. But Jesus rejected the accusation. Who dares to condemn God’s people?

Christ Jesus, who died and was raised and is now at the father’s right hand intercedes for us. Jesus rebuked the accusers with Scripture, which exempts David from censure, when he and his companions, hungry, ate the priests’ bread. Then Jesus stated something they’d never heard. He said, “I, the Son of Man, am Lord of the Sabbath—that is, not you.” Jesus is Lord. His word is law. He created the Sabbath. He alone rules on obedience to his word. No word prevails against his people. Accusers and critics answer to him. If God is for us, who can stand against us?

Another Sabbath conversation was in synagogue. A man had a withered hand. Pharisees waited to fault Jesus for Sabbath healings. The Bible says Jesus knew their thoughts. He called the man forward. Jesus then asked them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or evil, to save life or kill?” No answer. So Jesus called the man to show his faith. Jesus said, “Stretch out your hand.” The man obeyed, and his hand instantly was restored. Enraged the Pharisees left to discuss what to do with Jesus, but Jesus is the final judge. The father has given him, all things and the authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Mercy triumphs over judgment. Jesus is Lord; to him every knee will bow, every tongue give account.

A hillside conversation transpired where Jesus had spent all night alone praying to the father. At daylight, Jesus, summoning his followers, chose 12 to name as apostles—or ambassadors—sent to continue his work in his name. The Bible lists them as Peter, James, John and the rest, all ordinary people—fishermen, a tax collector, a zealous Jewish patriot, among others. None of these men was considered wise, mighty or noble by human standards. However Jesus still chose them to become his instruments to change the world. These men wrote the New Testament and spread Jesus’ gospel of grace to the world. Jesus and his word filled their hearts. The Gospel’s power would clearly be of God, not of themselves; their faith rested on God’s power, not man’s wisdom. Jesus gave them spiritual abilities and authority to build his church. Jesus gives all of his people the opportunity to continue building up the church. Jesus assigns our various roles to fulfill in his power, not ours, because he is Lord.

LW Baptist Church meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater.

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