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GRF Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, Oct. 24, 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4

The GRF Board meeting can be attended in person or live streamed at The tab will be active 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

The live streaming uses YouTube Live and terminates at the close of the meeting.

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call/Notice of Quorum 3. President’s Announcement 4. Member Comments/Correspondence 5. Consent Calendar a. GRF Board of Directors Minutes, Sept. 26 b. Accept the Interim Financial Statements for August 2023 for Audit c. Approve Transfers of Funds for GRF per Civil Code 5502 6. New Business a. General i. Southern California Edison Easement Request ii. Approval Project Food Box b. Capital Funding i. Capital and Reserve Funds Balance Sheet ii. Clubhouse Two, Card and Game Room Renovation iii. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Plan Check Package Service Maintenance Yard iv. Replace Unit Twelve in Clubhouse Two c. Reserve Funding i. Library Replacement of Flooring and Painting Interior and Exterior ii. Replacement of Lapidary Kilns d. Governing Documents i. Amend 30-5026-1—GRF Election of Officers ii. Amend 30-5020-1—Organization of the Board iii. Amend 60-5504-1—Insurance Requirements iv. Amend 40-5061-2—Fees v. Amend 13-1001-5—Glossary of Terms vi. Rescind 30-5024-1—Committee Structure and 30-5101 3—Limitation of Term-GRF Officers vii. FINAL VOTE: Amend 10-2000-2—Consolidated Fee Schedule 7. Ad Hoc Reports a. 1.8 Ad Hoc Committee—Discussion 8. Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4 9. Adjournment

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