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Democratic Club

Democratic Club Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The LW Democratic Club will meet Wednesday, Oct. 25, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at 1 p.m. All LW Democrats are welcome to attend. Those unable to join in person can participate online or by phone by emailing

for login information.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, one of three members of Congress running to replace Dianne Feinstein in the U.S. Senate, will be the keynote speaker via Zoom during this meeting. Club members will also vote on a slate of candidates for election to the 2024-2025 Board of Directors.

Lee has understood what it means to struggle her entire life. As a teenager, she joined forces with the NAACP to become her high school’s first Black cheerleader. As a teenager, she risked her life having a back-alley abortion when such procedures were illegal. She escaped an abusive marriage. As a single mother raising two sons, she received public assistance while building a better life for her family. While earning her degree, she brought her kids to class with her because she couldn’t afford childcare.

In 1998, Lee became the first woman elected to Congress from her district. In Congress, she is best known for casting the sole no vote against giving the then president unlimited war powers after 9/11.

Beginning in early February, the Orange County Registrar of Voters will send vote-by-mail ballots to every registered voter in Leisure World. In anticipation, club members are spreading the word about the importance of this upcoming Primary Election as they begin implementing their newly organized Neighborto- Neighbor program. The immediate goal of the program is to increase the number of voters in the Primary. The club’s long-term goal is to establish a visible, friendly and helpful presence in every LW neighborhood. Anyone interested in being a part of this effort should email Vice President Kathy Moran at

The Oct. 21 Democratic Party of Orange County convention has been canceled due to the continuation of the hotel workers’ strike.

All Leisure World Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter. This semi-monthly free publication covers more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates. Email or call 562-2968521 to sign up. It is important to include full contact information, including party registration, in the request.

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