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Long Beach Symphony Tickets

Long Beach Symphony Tickets Long Beach Symphony Tickets

In the first concert of the 2023-24 season, the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra (LBSO) will play music of Brahms, Dvorak, Smetena and more at the Terrace Theatre in Long Beach on Oct. 21 at 8 p.m.

Tickets for the concert and round trip bus tickets from Leisure World are available at the box office, 562-436-3203, or at For tickets to the full five-concert season at 20% group price reduction or discounted bus tickets, call Lucy Poropat at 323-646-9290.

Last minute single concert tickets with or without bus tickets can be purchased at the box office. Bus tickets can also be purchased on concert nights starting at 5:15 p.m. at the Amphitheater bus pick-up area on St. Andrews Drive, for $30 per round trip, payable by personal check to LBSO or exact cash; no change is available. The bus leaves at 6 p.m., arriving in time for Conductor Eckhart Preu’s pre-concert talk. For more information, call Beverly Emus at 562-296-5586.

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