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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW Contributor

Beginning on Feb. 5, less than four months from now, the Orange County Registrar of Voters will begin mailing vote-bymail ballots to every registered voter in Leisure World. As a part of its ongoing efforts to prepare for that important election, LW Democratic Club members gathered in Clubhouse 3 on Sept. 27. The club listened to one of the candidates who will appear on that Primary Election ballot, Cypress City Councilwoman Dr. Frances Marquez.

Marquez is running for election to the OC Board of Supervisors to replace Andrew Do, who will be termed out of office at the end of 2024. The overwhelming positive response she received during the club’s meeting was similar to that of other Democratic Clubs throughout the district. As evidence of that support, the Democratic Party of Orange County voted later that same evening to officially endorse her candidacy.

During the Sept. 27 meeting, the LW Democratic Club’s nominating committee also presented a slate of candidates for the 2024-25 Board of Directors. There were no additional candidates nominated by club members during the meeting. The election will be held during the club’s November meeting.

The club’s “Neighbor to Neighbor” program is getting ready to implement its “Get Out the Vote in 2024” taskforce. The taskforce has held two training sessions for the program coordinators. The coordinators are currently in the process of recruiting club members who will help other Democrats in their respective Mutuals be aware of the importance of the March primary election. The long-range goal of the taskforce is to establish a visible, friendly and helpful presence in every LW neighborhood. Any club member who is interested in being a part of this effort should email Vice President Kathy Moran at

There are still a limited number of free tickets available for any club member who wants to attend the first annual Democratic Party of Orange County Convention on Oct. 21. The convention will include a number of workshops related to the 2024 elections. Carpooling will be available for those attending. Call 562-296-8521 or email mlarson.telfords@gmail. com for more information or to reserve a ticket.

The SBLW Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter.

All LW Democrats and supporters can to subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter. The semi-monthly publication covers more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates. Email or call 562-296-8521 to sign up. It is important to include full contact information.

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