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Bring your best costumes Oct. 12

Bring your best costumes Oct. 12 Bring your best costumes Oct. 12


The Paws, Claws and Beaks Club will hold its annual Halloween Potluck Party on Thursday, Oct. 12 in the Clubhouse 1 picnic area at noon.

LW pet owners and their pets are welcome to join the club’s afternoon of fun, food and games.

Dog owners are asked to bring their dog in costume and on a leash. Cat or bird owners are encouraged to bring a picture of their cat or bird in costume as there will be separate contests for each category.

People are asked to bring a side dish for eight people that will go with chicken. There will be a costume parade, games and prizes with lots of food, fun and laughter.

For more information or to RSVP call Bonnie Kaplan at 714930-5314 so she knows how much chicken to bring.

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