Round trip tickets to LB Symphony shows cost $30
The price for a round trip bus ticket between Leisure World and a Long Beach Symphony concert is $30.
Tickets can still be purchased on concert nights at the bus, which will be located at the bus parking area on St. Andrews Drive near the Amphitheater from 5:15-6 p.m.
People may pay with a personal check to the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra or with the exact amount of cash. No change is available, and credit cards will not be accepted.
People can purchase tickets for a 2023-24 series of five concerts at a 25% discounted group rate ($188 total), and five discounted round trip bus rides ($100 total) through the LB Opera Club.
To purchase tickets, call Florita Davis at the LBSO Box Office at 562-436-3203, ext. 1.
For more information, call Beverly Emus at 562-296-5586.