Gain a sense of belonging and learn from shared experiences every Friday in CH 3
Joyce Brannon scored a top loser title at the Wa-Rite’s meeting on Aug. 4 by losing 7 pounds in one week. The club meets every Friday in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45 a.m. Each meeting runs from 9-10 a.m. Annual membership fee is $10. Weekly dues are ten cents.
Brannon attributes her success to putting more thought into eating, portion control and not getting to the point of starving. As a diabetic, she faces more complications when losing weight, but certainly demonstrates that it’s possible.
The first meeting of the month also provided the opportunity to celebrate July’s queen, the ever-inspiring Karen Green, as her ongoing successful battle toward better health continues its forward march.
One of her secrets to weight loss is a daily sweet treat after lunch. Even if it is calorie and portion-controlled, knowing it will be there makes it easier to forgo other temptations. Green also shared a positive experience with an over-the-counter remedy to UTIs. Additionally, the club had the opportunity to hear from the queen of June Marianne Barlow, who shared about her life as a resident and before she moved to Leisure World. A San Francisco native, Barlow and her husband enjoyed a long and full life together until his passing six months ago. Together they raised five children.
Club president Judy Chambers also shared a contest announcement to begin in September, which will include an opportunity to win funny money to use during the club’s end of the year auction.
The final treat was a guest speaker, Leisure World resident Phuoc Germine, who spoke about her recent success losing 14 pounds and an improvement in her health. She emphasized the importance of nutritious and healthy food as well as commitment to exercise. Germine walks five miles per day, 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the early evening.
Upcoming guest speakers will talk about foods with healing power and bringing the brain on board with a healthier lifestyle.
Women interested in better health, more energy and some light-hearted camaraderie are welcome to visit up to three meetings for free before deciding to join.
—Denise Stabile
July's queen Karen Green.
Queen of June Marianne Barlow (r) shared some personal moments with club president Judy Chambers (l) and others at Wa-Rite's Aug. 4 meeting.
Wa-Rite's top loser Joyce Brannon.