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Tickets on sale for LB Symphony

Tickets are on sale for the Long Beach Symphony’s next series of five classical music concerts, which begin on Oct. 21 and end June 1, 2024.

For more information about the concerts, call the LWSB ticket sale and bus hostess Lucy Poropat at 323-646-9290. She can provide details on concert dates, group fees (20% discount) and round trip bus tickets for LWers who want to sit together. People can also call the Long Beach Symphony box office at 562-436-3203.

Single concert tickets, or tickets for other seat locations, are available at the box office and online at

Bus tickets will also be sold at the bus loading location near the Amphitheater starting at 5:15 p.m. each symphony night. The cost is $20 per round trip, payable by exact cash or personal check made out to the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra. The bus will leave promptly at 6 p.m. to arrive for the 7 p.m. pre-concert talk by Maestro Eckart Preu. These talks often include the soloist of the night as well.

For more information, call LWSB bus hostess Beverly Emus at 562-296-5586.

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