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LW Men’s Golf Tournament

On May 10, two groups of three flights of variously skilled golfers played for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), two circle holes (shots within a 5-foot radius are rewarded) and two closest to the pin challenges at the a 1,658-yard, 18 hole-par 54 Turtle Lake Golf Course that challenges players of all levels. Players are asked to repair their divots and ball marks for everyone to have the enjoyable game.

A total of 62 golfers played last week and 18 of them accepted a special low gross challenge where Bob Turner took first place at three under 51; Bill Lyons was second at one over 55; and Mike Mayfield came in third at three over 57.There were 52 birdies and five circle hole winners, and 23 of 62 golfers were net at or under par. Closest to the pin on the second hole was Young J. Kim, and on the 11th hole was Thomas Kim.

All scores below are net, which is a gross score minus handicap. A flight winners (encompasses golfers with handicaps of 0- 6): Bob Turner, first place, nine under 45; Thomas Kim and Ron Steele tied for a second place with four under 50; Bill Lyons, third, one under 53; John Kolthoff, fourth with an even par 54; Dave LaCascia and Mike Mayfield tied for a fifth place at one over 55.

B flight winners (handicaps of 7-10): Paul Alloway, first place, six under 48; Brian Tivnan, second, five under 49; Jae H. Lee and Young J. Kim tied for a third place, four under 50; Fujio Norihiro and James Farr tied for fourth place with three under 51; Bruce Bowles, Roland Philips and Gary Newhall tied for a fifth place with two under 52; Walt Bier and Rolando Ramirez tied for sixth with one under 53; Richard Yokomi, Hyon Shin and John Rudosky tied for seventh place at even par 54; Dennis McMonigle, Jun Um and Ken Notorleva tied for eighth place at one over 55.

C flight winners (handicaps of 11-18): Scott Tuchfarber and Steve Kang tied for a first place, eight under 46; Peter Bae, second, seven under 47; Darry Holten, third, three under 51; Byron Schweitzer, Paul Shellenberger and Sam Williamson tied for the fourth place at two over 56.

The next Men’s tournament is on May 24, and every second and fourth Wednesday of the following months. Those who planned but cannot make it to a tournament need to call Alan Sewell at 541-324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Players must arrive 10-15 minutes prior to their scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

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