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9-ball tournament netted winners cash prizes

9-ball tournament netted winners cash prizes 9-ball tournament netted winners cash prizes


The LW Pool Club held a 9-ball tournament on April 29 with 12 two-person teams that played seven rounds of 3,6,9 nine-ball.

Cash prizes went to the top three teams that scored the most points after seven games.

One point was awarded for making the three ball, two for the six and three points for the nine. Players alternated shots.

After five rounds, Bruce Pettys and Shery Wells led with 20 points.

Susan Dotson and Dave Silva were in second place with 19 points.

In round six, Susan and Dave made the 3, 6 and 9 for six points and in the seventh and last round pocketed the 6 and 9 to finish in first place with 30 points.

Shery and Bruce took second place with 27 points. Gary Monahan and Dave Mackinder made the 3, 6 and 9 in the last round to take third place with 26 points.

At the Monday Pool League, the race for first place tightened as the Renegades beat In the Money 8-5.

In the Money still has a four-point lead with two weeks left in the regular season. Susan Dotson and Steve Mitchell both scored four points for the Renegades.

Right on Cue scored nine points against the Railrunners. Right on Cue won all six of their singles matches and all three players scored four points.

PJJ beat the Cue Crew 9-4 and is in second place, behind In the Money.

John Barth won six of his games, losing only a singles nine ball match.

On May 3, The Favorites took the Wednesday league lead by beating Milly’s Boys 10-3.

Dave Silva won all seven of his games for The Favorites, and teammates Dave Mackinder and Connie Adkins each won five.

That puts The Favorites two games ahead of The Ruffians, who lost to Triple Threat by a 9-4 score. It was a team effort by Triple Threat with Steve Edrich, Russell Black and Connie Terry each winning five games.

Bank It edged out U3 7-6 by winning the final eight ball game, where all three players competed. Zelma Berkenkamp led Bank It with five wins.

There is only one more week to see which three teams in each league make the playoffs.

—Dave Silva

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