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Mutual 3 Election Information

There are two elections taking place this year.

The first election is to elect a GRF Board of Directors representative from Mutual 3 and to vote on changes to the GRF bylaws. The proposed changes to the GRF bylaws include a change that would protect the right to choose a representative from one’s own Mutual only, as well as update language regarding gender.

The second election is to elect representatives to the Mutual 3 Board of Directors. All seven seats are up for re-election.

The GRF ballots will be mailed on May 5 and will be counted at 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 6, at the GRF ballot counting meeting held in Clubhouse 4.

The Mutual 3 ballots will be mailed on May 15 and will be counted at 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, at the Mutual 3 Annual Meeting for its shareholders held in Clubhouse 4.

Be sure to vote and return all ballots received, as a quorum must be reached to have a valid election. Again, due to two elections two ballots will be mailed separately they are not duplicates.

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