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LWKCC stops and smells the flowers, raises money for eye surgeries

LWKCC stops and smells the flowers, raises money for eye surgeries LWKCC stops and smells the flowers, raises money for eye surgeries

A group of 56 Leisure World Korean Community Church (LWKCC) members visited the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve State Natural Reserve on April 11.

The group made the trip to see flowers in the beautiful world God made and feel the greatness and mercy of the Lord’s creation.

Just as flowers bring hope and joy to the members, this trip was filled with the love and mercy of the Lord. The trip included exploring downtown Los Angeles before heading home.

LWKCC is led by Pastor Young-Yong Jang, senior pastor. On April 16, the church hosted Dr. Kim Soon-tae, the director of Siloam Eye Hospital.

Leading up to the service, the church held a eye cancer surgery fundraising drive for Siloam. Since the founding of the church in 2010, LWKCC has covered eye surgery expenses to 67 people.

Thanks to the generosity of the church members 33 additional patients’ surgeries were covered with a donation of $11,550 to Kim Seon-tae.

During the service, Pastor Kim Seon-tae delivered a message titled “God’s Children Who are Blessed by Imitating Isaac’s Faith,” and presented a video to promote the ministry of Siloam Hospital to those who had not seen it yet.

Pastor Kim Seon-tae became an orphan during the Korean War and lost sight in both eyes. He wrote an autobiography in Korean and English titled “The Boy in Search of Heaven’s Light.”

After losing his sight. Pastor Kim Seon-tae went on to open the Siloam Eye Hospital in 1986, performed numerous free eye surgeries, provided scholarships to 1,200 people, established a welfare center and nursing home for the visually impaired, and built three churches for the visually impaired.

Pastor Kim Seon-tae was awarded the Magsai Sai Award, which is Asia’s equivalent to the Nobel Prize, and plans to continue his focus on researching treatment for rare intractable eye diseases by organizing the World Without Eye Disease Research Group in tandem with Siloam Eye Hospital.

Pastor Kim Seon-tae is an apostle of the Gospel, the apostle of love, and the apostle of hope to all those who do not see the light of life in this age.

LWKCC is a nesting church that meets in the sanctuary of Leisure World Community Church.

The weekly Sunday service is held at 11:50 a.m. LWKCC holds a morning prayer meeting led by Senior Pastor Yong Jang-yeong every Tuesday-Saturday beginning at 6 a.m. in the sanctuary.

After the Sunday morning worship service and the early morning prayer meeting on Saturday, the church hosts a banquet in the fellowship room.

LWKCC is located next to St. Andrews Gate. For more information, call 714-323-0897.

Members of LW Korean Community Church enjoyed a day trip to the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve.

Pastor Kim Seon-tae encouraged choir members after worship.

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