Faith Christian Assembly
As Faith Christian Assembly prayerfully sends Pastor Sheri and Gary Leming off to the Grace International Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, for a few days of education, prayer, fellowship and refreshment, it looks forward to having Pastor Gwyn Vaughn back in the pulpit on Sunday, April 16, at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Vaughn has experience and wisdom to share, and always has a wonderful Biblebased teaching to edify and encourage people.
After the service, join Faith Christian Assembly the following Wednesday, April 19, as it welcomes brother in Christ, Pastor Curt Cornelius, at the 11 a.m. Bible study.
Pastor Curt has a passion for God and for being used to fulfill his purposes. People will be blessed to hear this servant of God as he speaks a Biblical message from a heart that reveals a passion for God.
All LWers are invited to join for what promises to be two blessed times of worship, the word, and fellowship.
There will not be an evening service on April 16. Weekly Sunday service times are held at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Wednesday morning Bible Study is at 11 a.m. People can call the church office for the most updated schedule information.
The church is located at 13820 Seal Beach Boulevard. To receive more information on the church and its services, call 562-598-9010, email contact@ fcachurch. net, or visit www.