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LW Korean Community Church’s donation will help sponsor GAF’s 50th anniversary celebration in April

LW Korean Community Church’s donation will help  sponsor GAF’s 50th anniversary celebration in April LW Korean Community Church’s donation will help  sponsor GAF’s 50th anniversary celebration in April

Leisure World Korean Community Church (LWKCC) donated to the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) to help sponsor the GAF’s 50th anniversary celebration on Saturday, April 22, in Clubhouse 6, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

The celebration will have bands playing throughout the event as well as a taco truck to serve food.

The 50th anniversary celebration will display the GAF’s rich history with 20 posters, artifacts, photos, and accomplishment data. The GAF’s committee has been working since October to get everything ready for the event.

The GAF invites all residents to come to this milestone event for the organization.

Besides LWKCC, the City of Seal Beach, On-Site Home Sales group, Korean American Association and a few other organizations including churches have agreed to help sponsor the event.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a sponsor for the 50th anniversary celebration can contact GAF President Anna Derby, at 562-301-5339 by March 31 at the latest.

LW Korean Community Church has supported the GAF since 2017, when the church first began in Leisure World. The church currently holds on Sunday services in Leisure World Community Church.

LWKCC has Sunday worship every week at 11:50 a.m. in the main sanctuary. Early morning services are at 6, on Tuesday through Saturday.

For more information, visit —Anna Derby

LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) Elder Jung Hoon Ryu (l-r), Reverend Yong Young Jang, GAF President Anna Derby,Elder Henry Kim and Elder Hyo Soo Kim. Derby received LWKCC's donation for the GAF 50th anniversary celebration.

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