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The Leisure World Scrabble Club met on all four Wednesdays in February and on March 1. There were 68 scores above 300, one of which was higher than 400. Also, there were 37 bingos (i.e. the use of all seven tiles in one move).

Bob Ruderman led with 14 scores above 300, a high score of 405, and 18 bingos. Suthy Edgar had eight scores higher than 300. In addition she had two scores in three-way games that were equivalent to a 400 in a two-way game. She had nine bingos and a top score of 395.

Diane Seeger scored above 300 12 times, with a high of 388 and five bingos. Larry Edgar topped 300 nine times, the highest of which was a 377, and had two bingos.

Wanda Bemben scored above 300 six times, with a best of 364. Club Vice President Sylvia Makus topped 300 five times and had one bingo. Her high score was also a 364.

Club President Maria Giegerich bettered 300 four times, the best of which was a 355. Kay Pushman scored higher than 300 three times. Her best total was a 330. New members Donna Perkins and Nancy DeMille each had one score above 300 (respectively 312 and 313) and one bingo.

The club meets every Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 5. New members, including beginning players, are welcome. Lunch will be served on March 29 starting at noon.

—Larry Edgar

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