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Republican Club recognizes its volunteers

Republican Club recognizes its volunteers Republican Club recognizes its volunteers

The LW Republican Club held a volunteer recognition lunch on Jan. 31.

During this even,t John Harper and Kitty Hammerschmidt were honored for their unselfish service to the club.

These same volunteers for the last two years have been supporting local candidates and other office holders in various ways. The various tasks include precinct walking, phone calls, manning the club’s booth and selling merchandise.

Harper was a past president and founder of the current Republican Club for nine years and Hammerschmidt was a past secretary to the club.

The club also recognized various outstanding performers during the midterm elections.

The club will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 15, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 7 p.m. Experienced campaigner Hope Horning will be the featured speaker.

Beginning in March, the Republican Club will open its booth on the first Monday of each month outside Clubhouse 6 from 10 a.m.-noon.

– David Harlow

John Harper (l) and David Harlow Kitty Hamerschmidt (l) and David Harlow

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