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Orchestra seeks new members

The group needs oboe, French horn, timpani, bass and percussion players

The LW Orchestra is rehearsing for its next concert on Saturday, May 20, at 1 p.m. Admission to the concert is free and there will be treats afterwards.

The club is looking for new members and leadership knows there are lots of former musicians in LW who would enjoy playing great classical music. The club needs at least two players for each instrument and hopes to find some new members to fill in its gaps. The club particularly needs oboe, French horn, timpani, bass and percussion players.

The club rehearses Tuesdays and Wednesdays at noon in the Amphitheater. Many members who have not played for many years join and find their skills return and are able to contribute.

Those interested should contact Fred Reker at fredreker326@ gmail. com.

The orchestra been growing over the past three years and looks forward to increasing its numbers.

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