Duplicate Bridge
Some 70 bridge players and their guests attended the annual Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club holiday party on Dec. 9.
Appetizers with wine, beer, and soft drinks were followed by a buffet dinner of roast “beast” with all the trimmings. Lynne Herman, a Leisure World resident, provided lively entertainment for the evening with her accordion.
The highlight of the evening was when club member Larry Slutsky sang a great rendition of “It Ain’t Necessarily So” from Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.”
Preceding the party was a 16-table bridge game. Overall winners were Sylvia and Ralph Brunson with a 60.7% game; second were Sharon Beran and Gene Yaffee with a 59.93% game; third were Judy Jones and Mark Singer with a 59.86% game; fourth were Thad Mikols and Marilyn McClintock with a 58.97% game; fifth were Bill Brooks and April Berg with a 58.82% game; sixth were Larry Topper and Lynn Danielson with a 55.80% game.
North/South winners in the six-table game on Dec. 8 were Jeanette Estill and Diane Schmitz with a 62.39% game. East/ West winners were Fern Dunbar and LaVonne McQuilkin with a 55.66% game.
Sharon Beran and Gene Yaffee were the North/South winners in the 8.5-table game on Dec. 12 with a 55.66% game; second were Sibyl Smith and Diane Schmitz with a 53.87% game. Linda Nye and Alan Olschwang were the East/West winners with a 59.79% game; second were Shmuel Fisher and Thad Mikols with a 55.56% game.
Games are played on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 12:30. Players are asked to arrive no later than 12:15 p.m. to confirm their reservations. Reservations can be made at any game using the sign-up sheets and/or by contacting Linda Nye at 562-453-6678, or by email at yuelingnye@yahoo.com no later than 10 a.m. on game day. —Gene Yaffee